Present Perfect
Este tempo verbal é utilizado para expressar algo que aconteceu no passado, mas de alguma forma está ainda relacionado ao presente. A estrutura segue o modelo: pessoa + verbo auxiliar have/has + verbo principal no Past Participle. I have done my homework. He has done his homework. I have eaten my dinner. She has eaten her dinner. Para se ter uma melhor idéia de como o Present Perfect se refere ao passado e ao presente ao mesmo tempo, podemos encontrar uma sentença similar no Simple Present na voz passiva, preservando o significado. My homework is done (now). His homework is done (now). Este tempo verbal pode também expressar conseqüências de eventos passados, no presente. I've had financial problems since I got fired. She has not called me since our last fight. Podemos utilizar o Present Perfect para expressar alguma ação que teve início no passado e que está ainda em progresso até o presente momento. They have tried to learn Portuguese for months. He has taught Spanish at the University since 1994. Também podemos usar o Present Perfect para afirmar, negar ou perguntar a respeito de algum acontecimento passado relacionado ao presente momento. Have you ever been to Brazil? I haven't been to Brazil yet. She has been to Brazil many times. We have never been to Brazil. Have they arrived yet? Importante: Observe que existem indicadores deste tempo verbal, que são: ever, never, lately, recently, since, for, yet. Since e for normalmente requerem este tempo verbal, ou também o Present Perfect Progressive. They have tried to learn Portuguese for months. => for indica um período de tempo. He has taught Spanish at the University since 1994. => since indica uma data específica. Para formar sentenças no Present Perfect, usamos as seguintes regras: Afirmativa: pessoa + have/has + verbo principal no particípio. => to have + Past Participle I have been to China once. She has worked for that company for 6 years. We have made this same mistake many times. Negativa: Acrescente "not" depois do verbo auxiliar. Has not, Have not I have not seen this movie. She has not forgiven us since that day. Interrogativa: Inverta o sujeito e o verbo auxiliar. Where have you been since the morning? Have you ever done this kind of work? Exercises on the above theory Exercícios sobre a teoria acima |
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