Phrasal Verbs |
Phrasal Verbs - Compostos de verbo + advérbio ou preposição, estude estas locuções presentes na linguagem cotidiana em Inglês.
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Phrasal Verbs: English to Portuguese : : Phrasal Verbs | |
Phrasal Verbs: English to Portuguese : Phrasal Verbs Given the Phrasal Verb in English, identify the Meaning(s) in Portuguese ver teoria | |
Phrasal Verbs: English to Portuguese : : Phrasal Verbs | |
Phrasal Verbs: English to Portuguese : Phrasal Verbs Given the Phrasal Verb in English, identify the Meaning(s) in Portuguese ver teoria | |
Phrasal Verbs: English to Portuguese : : Phrasal Verbs | |
Phrasal Verbs: English to Portuguese : Phrasal Verbs Given the Phrasal Verb in English, identify the Meaning(s) in Portuguese ver teoria |